Customer events as a means of employer branding
As an SME, you can easily compensate for the advantage of internationally known companies with impressive presentations on the job market.
Customer events as a means of employer brandingIn the "Executive Summary" of a study by the Family Business Foundation and the University of Bern, it is shown that people with respect for traditions, social norms and a high sense of responsibility evaluate work in family businesses more positively than those who seek power, prestige and a hedonistic lifestyle. This finding is the opportunity of smaller companies to be able to recruit excellently trained cadre employees and specialists. Smaller or medium-sized companies thus have a valuable unique selling point (USP) for personnel recruitment compared to large companies.
Career goals
Good training and the will to achieve top performance are not only present among the "young wild ones". More traditionally oriented employees also have similar career goals, but appreciate an environment that does not interfere with their professional and personal goals and desires. This includes flexible working hours and co-determination in work and product development. Equally important is the openness of the management to change and further training related to corporate goals in order to jointly master future challenges.
Inform labor market
To compensate for the disadvantage of being known as a large company, building a brand as an employer (employer branding) on the labor market is essential. Identify your values together with the staff and verify the lived reality in the company by interviewing the employees or even with an external test group. Inform the job market about the lived values, the strengths and special features of your company. Only if the job market knows them, the lived reality and your reputation match, highly educated but value-conscious people will be interested in your company. You need to create experiential events to credibly convey the positive work environment in your company. This is done advantageously in small, specialty-based events that allow personal contact with management and prospective employees. Such events are not only suitable for recruiting specialists, but also for customer surveys on services and researching future needs of your customers.
Event instead of job advertisement
At such well-structured events, the management has the opportunity to present the company, the culture and the wishes for social and professional competencies of the top performers. In the subsequent individual discussions with the relevant line managers, technical questions can be answered. It is known that it is more effective to discuss working conditions, products or services with those concerned than to place a nicely worded job advertisement. Such events are usually less expensive than professional, external search assignments. In addition, you gain first impressions about interested parties and receive a much better quality of the incoming applications. In this way, you secure employees who appreciate values such as responsibility, integrity and honesty and thus strengthen your brand as a company in the long term. So, when filling the next vacancy, compare not only expertise and experience but also the basic attitude of the applicants to your corporate policy, because employees with a high claim to power can very quickly weaken the values of your company because of their egoistic career goals.
SMEs gain in attractiveness
With uncertain future expectations, smaller and medium-sized companies gain significantly in attractiveness over companies with high wages and fast careers because of their high stability and companionable working environment. So actively use all opportunities to establish your company as an attractive brand on the labor market.