Democratic elections for new careers
The nearly 200 employees of Haufe-umantis AG have decided: The company will continue to be managed according to democratic approaches. At the beginning of January, the annual strategy meeting including the election of executives took place in Schaffhausen.

The election result in January 2016: "Haufe-umantis is and remains an employee-led company."
The two-day strategy meeting of Haufe-umantis AG is an annual event at which employees and management work together to develop the company's strategy and define the tasks for the coming fiscal year. This year, the most important topics included the increasing internationalization of the company, the organizational model, brand management, technology and, as every year, the democratic elections of executives.
The election result in January 2016: "Haufe-umantis is and remains an employee-led company."
Haufe-umantis Manifesto
The basis of democratic corporate governance is the Haufe-umantis Manifesto, which describes the applicable values in areas such as decision-making, performance or team recruiting. By voting on the new constitution, employees defined the company's fundamental processes, rules and values. This also includes the democratic election of managers, which was held for the third time this year.
Spiral career paths
At the strategy meeting in Schaffhausen, the entire management team once again stood for election and achieved good results. Two managers voluntarily resigned from their positions in the run-up to the elections and decided not to run again. Both were convinced that they would be able to use their knowledge and skills more effectively in another position. Back in the team, they have the opportunity to contribute their strengths in a suitable position and learn from the leadership behavior of their successors. They can stand again in the next election.
Hermann Arnold, co-founder and Chairman, himself stepped down as CEO to clear the way for Marc Stoffel. He affirms: "Spiral career paths must become a normal process. This creates an enormous learning effect between team and leadership: after your own leadership experience back in the team, you observe the new leader who leads differently, draw comparisons and thus learn from your own leadership period and that of your colleagues. I can't imagine a more comprehensive leadership development experience." Incidentally, the new CEO of the St. IT pioneer is Marc Stoffel.