Commitment to more biodiversity honored
In 2021, Switzerland's highest nature conservation prize, the Binding Prize, worth 100,000 Swiss francs, will go to the Naturama Aargau's "Natur findet Stadt" project. It is a collaboration with various municipalities and the population. The project has not yet been completed.
With the project "Nature Finds City as many people as possible should use simple means to bring more nature into their surroundings. As settlements grow, it is becoming increasingly important to design high-quality open spaces - for people and nature. Settlements today are important habitats for animals and plants, and they can still be improved by simple measures, as the initiators of the project emphasize.
65 Areas upgraded
Since 2015, 65 areas in public space have been upgraded or newly created for biodiversity in "Natur findet Stadt". 250 private individuals have implemented ideas from the project in their gardens and on balconies. The new 45,000 m2 of natural space include diverse habitats and uses. The award jury highlights the project's interdisciplinary collaboration, participatory approach, outstanding professional communication, and scaling and dissemination of good solutions.
On August 25, Johanna Häckermann, the chairwoman of the Naturama Aargau management, was able to present the 100,000 Swiss franc prize to the project team on behalf of all those involved. Binding Prize for Biodiversity in Tothrist. Together with Naturama, the following institutions involved in the project will be awarded: The Department of Landscape and Waters of the Canton of Aargau as client, the city of Baden as initiator as well as the cities of Zofingen, Aarau and Mellingen, the municipalities of Wohlen, Küttigen, Rothrist, Biberstein, Obersiggenthal, Muri and Niederlenz, the Jurapark Aargau as well as the Kampagnenforum GmbH, the local nature and bird conservation associations, various market gardens and private individuals.
Less maintenance costs, more biodiversity
"Natur findet Stadt" is an ongoing process and not over - further municipalities from the canton of Aargau can participate in the project. And this is also worthwhile from the taxpayer's point of view: One of the goals of "Natur findet Stadt" is to reduce care and maintenance costs in the area of public spaces. At the same time, these areas are enhanced with appropriate measures - in other words, a classic win-win situation. (pd/rs)
Imitation desired
The Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation has selected around 50 projects from the 74 entries for the Binding Prize 2021. Interested parties can be inspired by the creative, diverse projects for biodiversity in urban areas. All projects are presented with photos, short description, goals and measures. Imitation is encouraged!