Broad acceptance for energy transition

The energy transition in Switzerland meets with broad acceptance, as a population survey shows. People want a domestic, renewable and environmentally friendly energy supply, and they would rather have it tomorrow than the day after tomorrow. Moreover, the turnaround should cost something.

Energy turnaround
Yes (79%), Somewhat Yes (17%), Somewhat No (2%), No (1%), Don't know/no answer (1%). © SES

A representative population survey conducted by gfs-zürich in November 2020 among more than a thousand people provides impressive findings on the acceptance of the energy transition in Switzerland: 96 percent of respondents support the goal of covering future electricity demand with renewable energies (Diagram 1). 89.5 percent believe that renewable energies should be produced domestically (Diagram 2). 93 percent believe that electricity should be produced with due regard for nature conservation (Diagram 3). In contrast, the fact that electricity comes from low-cost sources is a desirable goal for "only" 65.5 percent (Diagram 4).

Proponents of the energy turnaround are pushing for rapid implementation. When asked by how many years the power supply should be renewable, the respondents answered on average (median) with 18 years (Diagram 5), which corresponds to a time horizon until 2038. With regard to a power supply based on indigenous energies, the median is 15 years, i.e. in the time horizon up to 2035 (Diagram 6).

Additional costs are accepted

The majority of respondents believe that a sustainable energy supply should also cost something. Today, an average four-person household pays CHF 40 per year for the expansion of renewable energies via the grid surcharge. 78 percent would be willing to pay more to promote the expansion of domestic renewable energies (Diagram 7). The survey did not reveal any significant differences in terms of income class. This means that across all social classes, there is a willingness to support the energy transition financially. Overall, the respondents are willing to pay a median of CHF 95 more per year (Diagram 8).

Politics must create the necessary framework

The survey shows that the acceptance of the energy transition among the Swiss population is very high, writes the Swiss Energy Foundation (SES) in its media release. "The power supply should be domestic, renewable and cost-effective, and also take nature conservation into account," summarizes Felix Nipkow, Head of Renewable Energies at SES. Politicians must now define the appropriate legal framework, which will be done with the revision of the Energy Act ("Federal law on a secure power supply with renewable energies") will be possible this year. The technologies are available, he said, and photovoltaics in particular meet all these conditions and also have the necessary potential in Switzerland. "The survey shows that the population wants the energy turnaround quickly and is also willing to invest in it," Nipkow continued. "Politicians should take this signal seriously." Press release SES

The survey was conducted on behalf of the Swiss Energy Foundation SES (see detailed information on the diagrams).


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